Thank you for your interest in Food & Farm Marketing Basics. Registration for this program is now closed. If you would like to explore hosting a program in your community, please contact Hannah Scott ( or Christie Welch (
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Do you feel like your food and farm business marketing is missing the mark? We can help!
Join us to improve your marketing skills and better connect with your customers. Learn how to price your products, identify your target customer, what to do with this information, and how to ensure your brand is effectively representing your business.
This hands-on workshop will enhance your food and farm business marketing to give your business a boost.
12 p.m. – Welcome and Introductions
12:15 p.m. – Pricing Products for Profit: A look at key concepts for pricing food and farm products for profit, including accurately tracking costs, assessing the competitive landscape, and communicating price effectively.
12:45 p.m. – Evaluating Market Channels for my Products: A look at the demands of major market channels for food and farm products and some strategies producers can use to enter new channels.
1:30 p.m. – Identifying my Target Customer(s): A look at how businesses can get to know their ‘target customers’ better and strategies for reaching those customers.
2:15 p.m. – Effective and Consistent Branding: A look at how to build an impactful brand that is communicated consistently throughout a business’s activities.
3 p.m. – Safe travels home!
Presented by the CFAES Center for Cooperatives in partnership with OSU Extension Direct Food & Agricultural Marketing Team.