Money to Grow: Securing Grants and Loans for Your Food or Farm Business

Feb 29, 2024, 9:00am - 3:00pm
The Ohio State University South Centers, 1862 Shyville Rd, Piketon, OH 45661
Samantha Black

Do you have a specific project you are looking to carry out to help grow your existing farm or food business? Learn all about grant and loan programs and where to find them, network with fellow food producers and farmers, and get 1-on-1 assistance from resource providers.

This in person event will be held at The Ohio State University South Centers in Piketon, OH. PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. 


9:00 – 9:30 a.m. Registration, Resource Fair, light breakfast

9:30 – 9:45 a.m. Welcome – The OSU South Centers Programs Overview

9:45 – 10:15 a.m. Grants 101 – Learn how grants work, what grants may be available, how to find them.

10:15 – 11:00 a.m. Grants and Loans Overview Panel

11:00 a.m. – Noon How and why I sought a grant for my farm. Dana Hilfinger, Roots, Fruits, and Shoots, LLC. SARE –  The Costs and Benefits of Winter High Tunnel Supplemental Heat and Row Covering Zachary Dobbelaer, Charlie’s Apples. SARE Project - Investigating Viable Management Strategies of Marssonina Leaf Blotch in Organic Apple Production in Central Ohio

12:00 – 12:45 p.m. Lunch – Sign-up for 1-1 with resource providers

12:45 – 1:30 p.m. Bridget Britton, Farm Stress Management –  Resources to assist farmers who are feeling stress

1:30 – 2:00 p.m. Business Planning & Loan Package Development – SBDC

2:00 – 3:00 p.m. 1-1 sessions with resource providers (sign up sheet will pass around during the morning and at lunch)  15-minute sessions Evaluation and adjourn

To register please visit or contact Christie Welch for any questions you may have. 

Presented by The Ohio State University South Centers Direct Food and Agricultural Marketing Team, Small Business Development Center, and CFAES Center for Cooperatives.