
Search results

  1. USDA Publishes Final Rule on Animal Disease Traceability in Regards to Use of Electronic Identification Eartags

    exhibition cattle moving interstate. This final rule does not change the categories of animals that are ... slaughter cattle (including cull cattle), and cattle or bison that do not move interstate. Additional ...

  2. Footbath Practices for Lameness Prevention

    Jason Hartschuh, Assistant Professor, OSU Extension Field Specialist, Dairy Management and ... a cow will pass through is 20 inches, but 24 inches for the footbath is better. Cows will move better ... employee morale as they have fewer cows that don’t want to move causing them to be frustrated.    ...

  3. Using the SAC? You'll need your BuckID!

    Wooster Administration Building.   Thank you for your cooperation with the new BuckID policy at the ...

  4. Spread Kindness Campaign

    with faculty and staff, to pledge to uphold the CFAES Principles of Community, to spread positivity ...

  5. Farm Tour Volunteers Sought

    On October 5 and 6, from 12PM to 5PM CFAES Wooster will be part of the Wayne County Farm Bureau’s Farm Tour. ...

  6. New state-mandated fraud prevention training

    Greetings, We are writing to make you aware of a new state-mandated training requirement for all university employees, including at the Ohio State Wexner Medical Center. Ohio Senate Bill 91 recently amended Ohio Rev. Code 4113.52 to require all state empl ...

  7. VOLUME 26: ISSUE 5


  8. Assisting Distressed Individuals

    Gain information and resources so you can be better prepared to assist distressed individuals. ...

  9. Kelsey Garmon

    years in the greater Findlay area. After moving back to the community, she decided to volunteer with her ... programs has now led her to a position with the Extension Office in Hardin County where she is able to help ...

  10. Family Day Volunteers Sought

    We are looking for volunteers to help us with some things and would be truly grateful if you could join us for some or all the event. ...
