
Search results

  1. Choosing a Laboratory for Nutrient and Soil Health Testing

    Specialist/Associate Professor; Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences; The Ohio State University Greg LaBarge; ... Field Specialist, Agronomic Systems/Professor; Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences; Ohio ... 2015). This committee of university scientists has developed methods appropriate to soils in the Midwest ...

  2. Moderate to larger-than-moderate harmful algal bloom predicted for western Lake Erie

    impact on local communities. NOAA is  actively developing tools   to detect and predict how toxic blooms ... nutrient loads in the western basin watershed. “The blooms in Lake Erie are changing. They are developing ... Environmental Research Laboratory,  and  Cooperative Institute for Great Lakes Research, as well as  Ohio Sea ...

  3. Exploring Land-Grant Institution Partnerships to Better Serve Audiences

    Blog Subscriptions ...

  4. Cicada Killer Wasp

    annual cicada provided to them. The larvae complete their development in 4–14 days. During the fall, the ... wasps move into the area. At close range, adults can be killed with a wasp aerosol spray. ...

  5. Mentors make it happen

    specialist with the CFAES Department of Animal Sciences. She has now been with Ohio State for more than 15 ...

  6. Community-Level Strategies for Urban Coyote Management

    Stanley D. Gehrt, Associate Professor of Wildlife Ecology and Extension Wildlife Specialist, School of ... associate humans or human places such as backyards with positive food rewards. Consequently, some coyotes ... develop nuisance behaviors that lead to conflicts with pets, increased daytime activity in residential ...

  7. A Guide to Corn Growth and Development

    Specialist, Department of Agronomy Iowa State University One of the critical activities in growing a crop is ... understanding and keeping track of its growth and development. Growth and development are terms often used ... fertility, stress, and plant competition. On the other hand, corn development relates to the plant’s progress ...

  8. CFAES grad’s research sheds light on farm succession planning

    Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics, Tietje investigated the intricate process of ... dedication led to the development of a survey that collected data from farm operators about their current ... David Marrison, Extension field specialist, farm management, sees Tietje’s data as a key contribution ...

  9. The Value of Community Strategic Plans in Corporate Location Decision-Making

    CDFS-1578 Community Development 12/08/2020 Godwin Apaliyah, PhD, Educator, Community Development ... identifying sites and developing them as green fields to attract business investments. This is taking place at ... Community Strategic Plans Take Spotlight in Businesses Location Decisions Local economic development ...

  10. Ohio 4-H Spark EXPO inspires youth with pathway opportunities exploration

    CFAES News Team The Ohio 4-H Spark EXPO, an exciting event dedicated to exploring future career ... Workforce Development and Pathways. “By exposing them to a wide array of career pathways and equipping them ... career exploration, the Spark EXPO emphasized the development of essential life skills. Activities ...
