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The Food Fort – A Case Study for Assisting Food Business & Jobs
Urban Food and Agriculture ...
Past Mini-grant recipients
submitted by Dr. Kristi Lekies, Associate Professor and Extension Specialist in the School of Environment ...
Professional Development Workshop: Men, Women, and Everyone Else: An Exploration of Sex, Gender, and Gender Identity (Wooster)
The words "sex" and "gender" are frequently used synonymously, but they actually refer to different, but related, characteristics. So, what is sex? What is gender? And what happens when they don't align? What does it mean to be &q ...
Professional Development Workshop: Men, Women, and Everyone Else: An Exploration of Sex, Gender, and Gender Identity (Columbus)
The words "sex" and "gender" are frequently used synonymously, but they actually refer to different, but related, characteristics. So, what is sex? What is gender? And what happens when they don't align? What does it mean to be &q ...
Technology in the City
Urban Food and Agriculture ...
Collaborating with Advisors, Officials & Partners
Housing and Urban Development Grants and Contracts Office of Sponsored Programs College Grant Development ...
Overcoming Academia's Top Workplace Obstacles- Part 1
a department head and dean (plus 8 years as director of academic leadership and development at BYU) to offer ...
Overcoming Academia's Top Workplace Obstacles- Part 3
a department head and dean (plus 8 years as director of academic leadership and development at BYU) to offer ...
2014 Population Changes in Ohio's Cities
Urban Food and Agriculture ...
Ohio Land Exchange Workshop
collaborative site-planning framework, in which community groups and other stakeholders jointly develop and ... County Land Banks to the tools developed in Lima. It will take place from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the ...