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Pulsed Electric Field Processing Applications in the Food Industry
pH, and temperature) the microbial characteristics (bacteria or mold/yeast, gram-positive or negative, ... Technology Development ( The authors also thank Dr. John Fulton, Dr. Erdal Ozkan, ...
Testing Protocols for Diseases Surveillance in Poultry
characteristics. A disease status for an individual in a population can be either disease positive (D+) or disease ... a positive result (T+) or negative result (T-). However, and due to inherent flaws in the testing assays, the ... result is almost never 100% accurate. A disease positive individual may give a negative test result ...
Pruning Backyard Grapevines in the First Three Years
Emeritus, OSU South Centers Gary Gao, Ph.D., Associate Professor and Small-Fruit Extension Specialist, OSU ... pruning will help maintain a grapevine’s potential of producing a good quality fruit crop, develop good ... vine structure, increase sunlight exposure into the canopy, promote the development of next year’s ...
Living with Arthritis
warning signs are pain, swelling, stiffness, and difficulty moving a joint. Although there are over one ... hips, and lower back. As the cartilage that cushions the joint breaks down, uneven surfaces develop ... specialist can prescribe the best treatment options. Rheumatoid arthritis is one of the more disabling types ...
Battery Safety
terminals are the positive and negative posts. The battery may also have vent caps on top of it. These caps ... Batteries This battery was developed for the job of starting cars and trucks. Built to deliver quick ... thicker plates of lead. Avoid acid spills by placing the battery in an upright and level position. Gel ...
Getting the Most Return From Your Timber Sale
to develop a management plan for achieving ownership objectives, it is quite likely the plan will ... such as improving the health and vigor of the forest, developing wildlife habitat, altering species ... composition, establishing planting areas, creating vistas and trails, and developing certain types of ...
Port Authorities as an Economic Development Tool for Local Government
and Extension Field Specialist, Community Economics, Community Development, Ohio State University ... CDFS-1567 CDFS-1567-10 Community Development 08/05/2019 Nancy Bowen-Ellzey, Associate Professor ... Extension Gwynn Stewart, MS, Extension Educator, Community Development, Ohio State University Extension, ...
Equipment and Plant Transport for Trainers and Supervisors
wheels are chocked. This will keep the truck or trailer from accidentally moving while it is being loaded ... trailer from accidentally moving while it is being loaded or unloaded. For more details, see the Tailgate ... position using tie-down straps or bungee cords. Trailer Towing Safety Tips: Before You Start Make sure that ...
Safe Use of Jacks for Trainers and Supervisors
Agricultural Safety Specialist. Modules were developed with funding from the Occupational Safety and Health ... the load. Position the jack properly at a point that can support the lifted weight. The lift point ... self-propelled, place the transmission in gear or in the park position. Then set the brakes and switch the ...
Hand Signals for Agricultural Safety
perform the signal. Come to Me Move Toward Me This Far to Go Stop Raise the arm vertically overhead, ... at ear level, facing head, and move laterally inward to indicate remaining distance to go. Raise the ... hand upward to the full extent of the arm, palm to the front. Hold that position until the signal is ...