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Eating Disorders Awareness: Introduction
ED-1001 Family and Consumer Sciences 08/11/2015 Yvette Graham, LISW-S, EFNEP Program Specialist ... development of eating disorders. They can arise from biological, social and psychological factors. The United ... successfully move the individual into recovery. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders ...
Equipment and Plant Transport for Trainers and Supervisors
wheels are chocked. This will keep the truck or trailer from accidentally moving while it is being loaded ... trailer from accidentally moving while it is being loaded or unloaded. For more details, see the Tailgate ... position using tie-down straps or bungee cords. Trailer Towing Safety Tips: Before You Start Make sure that ...
Testing Protocols for Diseases Surveillance in Poultry
characteristics. A disease status for an individual in a population can be either disease positive (D+) or disease ... a positive result (T+) or negative result (T-). However, and due to inherent flaws in the testing assays, the ... result is almost never 100% accurate. A disease positive individual may give a negative test result ...
Stress Management for Trainers and Supervisors
Specialist. Modules were developed with funding from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, U.S. ... Reduced by Making Lifestyle Changes Keep a positive attitude. Accept that stress is a part of life. ... meals. Develop an exercise program. Eat an adequate and nutritious breakfast each day. A nutritious ...
Getting the Most Return From Your Timber Sale
to develop a management plan for achieving ownership objectives, it is quite likely the plan will ... such as improving the health and vigor of the forest, developing wildlife habitat, altering species ... composition, establishing planting areas, creating vistas and trails, and developing certain types of ...
Developing a Model to Measure Economic Change in an Energy Economy
Professor and Field Specialist, Community Economics, OSU Extension, Community Development Eric Romich, ... Assistant Professor and Field Specialist, Energy Development, OSU Extension, Community Development Nancy ... Shale Energy Development Economic Impact Analysis CDFS-SED-4 06/23/2016 David Civittolo, Associate ...
Protecting Hands and Fingers
move counter to another part. Example: Gears and chains, pulleys and belts, tiller tines and frame, ... loader bucket and arms. Crush points occur when two objects move toward each other, or when one moving ... the crush point when operating or attaching implements. Cut points occur when an object moves or ...
Ohio Transportation Improvement Districts (TIDs)
CDFS-4114 Community Development 04/28/2023 Gwynn Stewart, M.S.; Community Development Educator IV; ... a form of local government that strives to promote intergovernmental and public-private cooperation of ... is an important first step for any community interested in forming a TID. TIDs are often developed ...
Color Coding for Trainers and Supervisors
equipment Blue Equipment under repair Do not start equipment Do not move equipment Magenta and Yellow or ... Safety and Health, Ohio State University Extension; Michael Wonacott, Research Specialist, Vocational ... Education; Peter Ling, Greenhouse Specialist; and Thomas Bean, Agricultural Safety Specialist. Modules were ...
Gas Welding Safety
position. Close cylinder valves before moving. Protective caps or regulators should be kept in place. Roll ... cylinders on bottom edges to move— Do not drag. Allow very little movement when transporting. General Gas ... in confined areas or where there are barriers to air movement. Natural drafts, fans, and positioning ...