
Search results

  1. 4-H Club Flower Display Set up

    Containers must be easily moved. Containers will be displayed at the entryway of buildings and barns around ...

  2. Dr. Michelle Jones

    Bacteria Michelle is a Professor and Extension Specialist in the Department of Horticulture and Crop ... development, but it can also be accelerated by ethylene and environmental stress. We are interested in ... a faculty position at Colorado State University where I taught and did research in Floriculture. In 2001, ...

  3. Mazzy's Hawaiian Adventure- Part 2

    86 years old and moves around faster than me. She is out in the gardens every single day, and she ... wait to share it here!!    - Mazzy Grisak Eager for more news from Mazzy? You're in luck-  check ...

  4. Mazzy's Hawaiian Adventure- Part 3

      - Mazzy Grisak Eager for more news from Mazzy? You're in luck-  check out her articles here. ...

  5. Mazzy's Hawaiian Adventure- Part 1

    (especially on an island like Maui).  Hans Huber moved to Maui from California when he was 18 years old to be ... a surfer bum. His intentions were to stay here for a while then move back to California. Many years later ...    - Mazzy Grisak Eager for more news from Mazzy? You're in luck-  check out her articles here. ...

  6. Clermont County Junior Fair Board May Meeting

    The May Junior Fair Board meeting has been moved to May 29th in 4-H Hall. ...

  7. Dr. Garrett Owen

    served as the Greenhouse and Controlled-Environment Outreach Specialist for Southeastern Michigan and ...

  8. Minors

    management, etc., where decision making requires a basic understanding of plant growth and development as well ... minor is useful for students who expect to have positions that require: overseeing the management of ...

  9. Pamela Sherratt

    Pamela Sherratt Turfgrass Specialist ...

  10. (Speaker Series) Contemporary Differences in U.S. Farm Financial Performance by Race: Does Farm Size Matter?

    Geography, among others. She earned her doctoral degree in agricultural, environmental, and development ...
