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  1. Co-op Law Conference: Building a Cooperative Economy Together ​

    Explore the intersection of law and cooperative development with national and regional experts! ... This year’s theme, “Building a Cooperative Economy Together,” will focus on cooperative solutions and ... conference is for you! ​ Organized by a collaborative group of developers and practitioners and open to ...

  2. Community Development Extension Awards

    The OSU Extension Community Development Awards celebrate the outstanding efforts of individuals ... aims to inspire continued excellence and collaboration in community development initiatives. Raymond A. ... Schindler Excellence in Community Development Extension Award Godwin Apaliyah Award for Inspired Community ...

  3. Cross and Drewry publish article on remote diagnosis of wheat stripe rust progression

    threat to global wheat production, making the development of rust-resistant varieties essential. This ...

  4. Kelsey Garmon

    years in the greater Findlay area. After moving back to the community, she decided to volunteer with her ... programs has now led her to a position with the Extension Office in Hardin County where she is able to help ...

  5. Ohio Agricultural Mental Health Alliance releases farm stress survey results

    four respondents having a positive perception of their overall mental well-being. 23% of respondents ... more aware of farm stress and finding positive ways to cope with it but results also tell us there is ... weather. By identifying needs and gaps, we can develop a targeted action plan that addresses these ...

  6. Graduate Student Open House-Kayla Kruse

    200 (Wooster) Reserved by Alexis Didinger, Grant Development Support Unit (GDSU) for Kayla Kruse ...

  7. Ohio State assists Ohio farmers following USDA natural disaster declaration

    farmers to assess the drought’s impact and develop strategies for mitigation. The team holds weekly ... challenging,” said David Marrison, OSU Extension field specialist in farm management. “These USDA assistance ... Extension field specialist, highlighted the severity of the situation. “With this level of drought ...

  8. Velasquez-Giraldo visualizes a new plant-based meat alternative at CEMAS

    developing a new high protein plant-based meat analog with increased fat through extrusion, under the advice ... plant-based diets do not always achieve the recommended intake of essential amino acids, so we are developing ... sources with a lower carbon print is positive for humans and the environment.” Meat production has a known ...

  9. Student Spotlight: Alex Babinski and the Ecological Engineering Society

    they remember the most during their time in Columbus. Developing a sense of community with like-minded ...

  10. Writing your own story

    a 4-H’er played a role in that career, too.”  In addition to helping develop her writing abilities, ...
