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  1. 2015 OPRA Student Conference

    development and networking student session on Monday, February 2, 2015.  SENR will cover your $10 registration ...

  2. Undergraduate Research Info Session

    develop a research topic, find a research mentor, and find resources to help make research a part of your ...

  3. Triple Divide Film Showing

    development in Pennsylvania. The film is at the Gateway Film Center and a Q&A will be  held following the ...

  4. Iceland 2016 Student Blog

    agricultural practices, and observed the many ways in which the techniques have developed and evolved to ... inspiration when we had entered Thórsmörk, and I was eager to explore and move. On Monday, June 19 th, a group ... of us embarked on an eight-hour hike. I was lost in the beauty, and kept feeling the urge to move and ...

  5. Healthy Soils for Healthy Waters Workshop

    symposium series dedicated to the development of multidisciplinary and whole system management practices for ...

  6. 60th Annual CFAES Banquet Celebrates Undergraduate Achievement

    Katherine Connolly, junior, Environmental Science Olivia Miller, junior, Environment, Economy, Development ...

  7. Modeling Wetland Biogeochemistry and Restoration in South Florida

    treatment, flood mitigation, and habitat for wildlife. Despite this, urban development and agriculture have ...

  8. Undergraduate Research Info Session

    develop a research topic, find a research mentor, and find resources to help make research a part of your ...

  9. Conservation Ecology in an African Biodiversity "Hotspot"

    Endangered Sanje mangabey.  The developing understanding of this unique primate is providing scientific ...

  10. Undergraduate Research Info Session

    develop a research topic, find a research mentor, and find resources to help make research a part of your ...
