
Search results

  1. Minter Awarded SARE Sustainable Agriculture Grant

    Logan Minter, field specialist for specialty crops production systems, was recently awarded ...

  2. Student Success Services

    that support students’ academic growth and personal development. Programs and Services Buck-I-EATS. The ... development events such as Dress for Success, Career Expo, and Night for Young Professionals. Donations of ...

  3. Changes to UniPrint ordering website

    In the coming days, the UniPrint ordering website will have a new look and feel. Customers will be able to take advantage of a simplified design, which includes enhanced ability to search items by identified departments or products. To order products and ...

  4. NAEPSDP Accepting Session Proposals Due June 28

    The National Association of Extension Program and Staff Development Professionals is accepting ...

  5. Upgrades to lab and classroom computers

    Throughout the month of July, OTDI will be upgrading lab, classroom and conference room computers on the Wooster campus. We will coordinate with departmental contacts to confirm room availability for this work to be completed. This technology enhancement ...

  6. Minding the Brand Initiative Announced

    several years. We are being mindful about how we approach this initiative and developing resources to ... and weeks ahead. In the meantime, we hope you share our excitement as we move forward with this ...

  7. New I am Extension Videos Shared

    The Learning and Organizational Development Team recently released three more I am Extension ...

  8. Change Made to OSP Office Hours

    Development Support Unit are in attendance to address questions.    All sessions are from 1-2 p.m. and are ...

  9. Buckeyes will be impacted by changes to storage limits and University Email Services

    Microsoft is making dramatic changes to pricing for storage, which will require the university to reduce storage limits in OneDrive, Outlook and Teams. There are also impacts to lifetime email – current students will retain email for 2 years after graduat ...

  10. Secrest Arboretum external road closure

    Based on the recommendations of a recently conducted independent traffic study, a section of Williams Road and Green Drive at Secret Arboretum will be closed to automobiles beginning on Monday, July 1. ...
