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CFAES documents approved by Office of Academic Affairs
Submitted by Kris Boone, CFAES Patterns of Administration (POA) and Appointments, Promotions and Tenure (APT) documents have received final approval and are posted on the Office of Academic Affairs website. ...
Support the fight against cancer
Submitted by Jeanne Osborne, You've seen the message from Dean Kress about Pelotonia- the bike ride to raise money to fight cancer- and Team Buckeye- CFAES Sustains Life; and maybe you have wondered, 'how can I get involved? ...
Tomorrow, July 19, is last day to RSVP for Employee Appreciation Picnic
Tomorrow, July 19, is the last day to RSVP for the Employee Appreciation Picnic at Hawk's Nest on july 26! For all Ohio State ATI employees and their immediate families. Plan for a day of golf, fishing, food and fun! RSVP at! ...
Looking back at the 1990s
million Center for Education and Economic Development (CEED). Many of the photos and documents included in ...
HRA Dialogue 2015
Develop consistent processes for the college, based upon best practices Improve accuracy and timeliness ...
NEWS: Two faculty earn Diplomate status
Two Ohio Sta te ATI faculty members, Dr. Elizabeth Parker and Dr. Shaun Wellert, sat for and passed the examination for Diplomate status in the Am erican College of Veterinary Preventative Medicine. The Diplomate status reflects their commitment to excell ...
Catalpadale Bristol Dairy Scholarship established at Ohio State ATI
Environmental Sciences can be found at ...
First orientation session in the books
Submitted by Frances Whited, The June orientation sessions went off without a hitch (well, maybe a few minor hitches). A total of 183 students attended over three days, which were pretty jam-packed with information sessions, advising, a ...
Educational Videos
landfilling with plans to develop a green energy park to create fuel from waste. This video demonstrates ...
Oil & Gas Law Symposium
Continued development of Ohio’s shale energy resources has prompted the Agricultural and Resource ...