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Grad Cap Decoration Station
The ATI Library is creating a Decoration Station for our graduates who plan to participate in commencement. If you have anything you would like to donate we would be appreciative. ...
New Blog Posts: Living on Campus and Program Excel
Check out the newest blog posts on Buckeye Voices from Ohio State ATI. Marshall Firestone relates his experience with Program Excel, and Kayleigh Metz talks about living on campus. ...
NEWS: Gage Smith Awarded Gilman Scholarship for Study Abroad from the US Department of State
is one of the best tools for developing mutual understanding and building connections between people ...
Compost Bedded Pack Dairy Barns in Ohio
potential for positive impacts on milk production and cow health, as well as the ability to handle manure as ... four study farms generally used the layout and management recommendations developed at the University ...
A Witness to the Birth of Ohio State ATI
as director of the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, and during numerous trips ... safe from encroaching development. "She told the dean how much she had enjoyed the times she had ...
Master Urban Farmer Workshop
educational program developed by OSU Extension. It is part of the new Extension In the City program. This ...
Management in Today’s Dairy Economy
purchases vs. repairing existing equipment, knowing your financial situation, developing a plan to stay or ...
New Blog Post: Intramurals and other ways to reduce stress!
Check out the new post on the Buckeye Voices of Ohio State ATI blog by Hunter Sandwisch about intramurals and other ways to reduce stress. ...
ATI Dairy Takes Production Awards-- Again!
The Ohio State ATI Dairy Herd was once again recognized for high production at the Wayne Ashland County Dairy Banquet. ...
NEWS: New Greenhouse Program Launched
scattered across the United States. The modules were developed by The Ohio State University, Rutgers ...