
Search results

  1. 2017 Tri-State Dairy Undergraduate Program

    Attend the New Undergraduate program at the 2017 Tri-State Dairy Nutrition Conference! Undergraduate Monday, April 17 and Tuesday, April 18! Free registration, hotel, meals and conference fees for students! Please register online at their site.   If you h ...

  2. Strengths Finder

    for individuals seeking professional development hours. If you have questions, contact the OSU ...

  3. Celebration of Students

    Showcase your culture. Present your country. Represent your region. Share food, music, decorations, crafts, memorabilia Tuesday April 4th 3:30 to 5:30 pm at the Ag Admin Auditorium.  To participate, visit the link. For more info, contact Pamela Thomas.  C ...

  4. Animal Science Community Alliance

    Are you interested in recruiting, teaching, and mentoring others?  Please consider applying to the departmental leadership team.  A description of the team and requirements is attached along with the application.   Applications are due via email to Mariet ...

  5. Time for Change Week

    Time for Change Week is a collaboration between student organizations and campus administrators focusing on environmental awareness and community engagement among the student body. No matter what a student’s major, beliefs, affiliation, or interests, ever ...

  6. TEDx Ohio State University

    Ticket sales for TEDxOhioStateUniversity’s 6th annual event have been live for a couple weeks now, and we're predicting to sell out by the middle of next week, so purchase your tickets ASAP! This year’s theme, Precipice, will offer our nine speakers ...

  7. 4-H News and Notes: February 26, 2016

    Summer jobs at 4-H Camps, State Fair Scholarship Applications Due, Collegiate 4-H Invites You to Plowboy Prom, Activity Fee Scholarship Applications, Beef Expo, State Fair Band and Choir Applications, and many more updates. ...

  8. Shades of Animal Science Chili Cook-Off

    Shades of Animal Sciences is hosting a chili cook-off is on March 21st from 10:30am-2pm! There is a $5 donation for you to enjoy as much chili as you want! Contact Krista Morrison if you have any questions about entering the conest.  ...

  9. Ohio Agricultural Council Hall of Fame Nominations

    Persons wishing to nominate an individual who he or she believes is deserving of consideration for induction into the Ohio Agricultural Hall of Fame may download a nomination form by clicking here. Nomination forms, along with three letters of recommendat ...

  10. CFAES Spring Job Shadow- USDA, APHIS, Veterinary Services

    March 13th & 14th 9am- 4:30pm- need to attend both days to get the full experience RSVP on HireaBuckeye under Workshops by March 8, 2017 The shadowing experience will be a mix of lectures/presentations/open discussion and field activities (visit to li ...
