
Search results

  1. Food Safety Workshops Target Ohio's Hispanic Workforce

    Espinoza is also developing training sessions that target Hispanic culture in the workplace. The workshops ...

  2. Dial Away for the Latest on Soybean Rust

    on soybean rust developments. The information can be obtained by calling (740) 653-5419 and keying in ...

  3. Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: Apple or crabapple? (for the week of Oct. 28, 2001)

    Agricultural Research and Development Center, Ohio State University, reviewed this article. "Smart Stuff ...

  4. Family Fundamentals: Doing own taxes? Do your homework first (for January 2011)

    Extension and the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center. Send questions to Family Fundamentals, ...

  5. Sweet Corn Production and Management Focus of Ohio State Extension Program

    Agricultural Research and Development Center in Wooster and Ohio State Extension Southwest District Office in ...

  6. Online Newsletter Focuses on Entrepreneurships

    Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics, said that the newsletter is designed to ...

  7. Ohio State Scientists Net 'Spectacular' Results in Yellow Perch Production

    Dabrowski, an aquaculturist with the university's Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center and ...

  8. Ohio Farmers Making the Switch to Transgenic Corn

    with the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, said one of the reasons for the increased ... transgenic and 20 percent non-transgenic to prevent the pest from developing resistance. Additionally, ...

  9. Newly Named Chadwick Director Sees Arboretum as Campus Unifier

    Maloney's responsibilities include overseeing maintenance, planning and developing of the various gardens ... volunteer coordinator. "Mary is also a compassionate leader. She gives the staff the freedom to develop ...

  10. Cold Snap Raises Concerns Over Corn Crop

    University plant pathologist with the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, "Cold ... roots cannot develop rapidly and Pythium and other soil fungi can kill stressed plants." ...
