
Search results

  1. Employers on Campus

    Employers on Campus is your opportunity to interact with potential employers in a casual setting where you can have your resumes reviewed, conduct a quick mock interview or just learn more about a company. Walk-In appointments with employers available to ...


    Have you ever thought about completing a veterinary technology degree in addition to your animal science one?  If so, the joint veterinary technology program between OSU and CSCC might be for you.  All those interested should plan to attend the informatio ...

  3. STEP Expo

    Have you heard about the Second-year Transformational Experience Program (STEP), but you’re not sure how it works or how it will benefit you next year?  Join us at the STEP Expo and learn how students just like you have had truly transformational experien ...

  4. Employers on Campus

    Employers on Campus is your opportunity to interact with potential employers in a casual setting where you can have your resumes reviewed, conduct a quick mock interview or just learn more about a company. Walk-In appointments with employers available to ...

  5. Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences Career Expo

    Come explore what opportunities are available for both internships and full time employment at this year's Food, Ag., and Environmental Sciences Carerr Expo! It will be located at Nationwide Ohio Farm Bureau and 4-H Center on October 1 from 12-4pm. F ...

  6. Professional Networking in Animal Sciences

    A new course,   Professional Networking in Animal Sciences, will be meeting Thursdays from 12:40-1:35 in 112 Kottman Hall. This course will have 10 leaders in the animal industry and government from around Ohio visit campus this fall to talk with the clas ...

  7. General Mills Info Session

    Interested in a career with a leader in the food industry? Learn more about what General Mills has to offer during their info session in Parker Food Science 118 on Tuesday, September 22 at 5:00 PM. ...

  8. Horsemen's Association Meeting

    Horsemen’s Association will be having their next meeting September 15  at 6pm in Plumb Hall 102. There will be free pizza! Dates and times are also posted on their Facebook page, The OSU Horsemen’s Association, and Twitter @OSU_Horsemens. Please contact A ...

  9. Rush FarmHouse

    The men of FarmHouse would like to invite any male students interested in learning more about the fraternity to join them for fall recruitment events. If you have any questions, need a ride or need to RSVP, don't hesitate to contact VP of Recruitment ...

  10. WANTED: 2016 CFAES Recognition Program Co-Chairs

    Although the semester is just starting, it’s not too early to start preparing for the 2016 CFAES Recognition Program! This event is a highlight of the academic year, and celebrates success in the College – students, faculty, staff and others outside the u ...
