
Search results

  1. Carrie Elvey

    Carrie Elvey Community Outreach Specialist, United Titanium Bug Zoo ...

  2. Using Dairy Manure with Newly Planted Corn and Soybeans

    Glen Arnold, Extension Field Specialist for Manure Nutrient Management, The Ohio State University ... In recent years, dairy farmers and commercial manure applicators have been moving towards applying ...

  3. Disease Prevention: Making the Most of Your Spring (and every day) Cleaning Practices

    disinfect starting with the youngest animals moving to the oldest. In lactating barns, scrape beds before ... consider moving your C&D to whenever the warmest temperatures will be reached. Alternatively, some ... about cleaning and disinfection and how to develop your C&D program, check out ...

  4. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins, and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    values, or in other words moved a column to the right since the last issue, are in oversized text. ... Conversely, feedstuffs that have moved to the left (i.e., decreased in value) are undersized text. These ... shifts (i.e., feeds moving columns to the left or right) in price are only temporary changes relative to ...

  5. Counselors move into 4-H Camp


  6. New Faculty Member in Animal Welfare

    California-Davis, I assumed a position as an Assistant Professor at California State University-Chico. In this new ... addresses challenges posed by adverse weather conditions and developing strategies to mitigate potential ... production. My goal is to inspire positive change in the dairy industry to benefit both animals and those who ...

  7. Department News


  8. Battle for the Belt

    meetings. Come hear OSU Extension State Corn Specialist Osler Ortez and State Soybean Specialist Laura ... Taylor Dill’s field observations. Agronomic Field Specialist Stephanie Karhoff will provide corn disease ... and planting considerations. State Soybean Disease Specialist Horacio Lopez-Nicora will provide ...

  9. 2024 Hardin County Horse Banquet with applications due March 29th. As in the past, the new 2024 Horse King, Queen, Prince, and ...

  10. New Factsheet: Avian Influenza Detected in Dairy Cattle

    A new factsheet on “ Avian Influenza Detected in Dairy Cattle ” has been developed and posted on ...
