
Search results

  1. "An Evening Garden Affair"

    maintenance.  Since graduating from OSU more than 30 years ago, Tom has had the opportunity to develop his craft ...

  2. OSU Student Construction Management Team Takes Overall First Place at 2013 ABC National Competition

    rewarding to be able to give back to the students and continue to develop our program towards national ...

  3. CFAES scientist breeds 30 percent faster-growing perch

    better," said Wang, director and principal scientist for the Ohio Aquaculture Research and Development ...

  4. O yes! Great job prospects for CFAES grads

    every year.—CFAES Career Development Manager Adam Cahill This, as net farm income is expected to reach ...

  5. Grow your own lettuce in space? Students, researchers build system for NASA

    and cleaning wastewater." An 'Academic Innovation Challenge' The system was developed ...

  6. Good Agricultural Practices/Produce Safety Class Offered

     and the  Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, the outreach and research arms of the ...

  7. How to bring local, healthier foods back to school

    reached by the program gain healthy eating habits that help them develop a healthier lifestyle. Part of ...

  8. Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences Spring Career Expo

    This event is open to students studying all areas of our college and is our largest event of the year where you will see students pursuing Bachelor, Master and Doctoral degrees. ...

  9. Environmental & Sustainability Career Expo

    This event is open to students studying all areas of our college and is our largest event of the year where you will see students pursuing Bachelor, Master and Doctoral degrees. ...

  10. Night of Young Professionals

    Night of Young Professionals is an evening to learn the "tricks of the trade" from industry professionals. Workshops will focus on preparation for the upcoming career fair. This event is on Tuesday, October 10, at the Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center ...
