
Search results

  1. Professional Development Night

    Join CFAES Student Council for a fun evening in the Ohio Union Performance Hall.  John Petz, author of "Boring Meetings Suck" will help you learn about making your meetings and life more significant by recognizing the importance of small moments ...

  2. SMART AG 4.0

    SMART AG 4.0: Students solving real problems in agriculture.  ...

  3. Inter-Generational Communication Workshop

    Inter-Generational Communication Workshop With the age range of employees spanning 60 years, the American workforce is more diverse today than ever before. Each generation brings it's own unique values and behaviors which can lead to confusion and mi ...

  4. Improvements set for Waterman, Don Scott, Wooster

    Improvements set for Waterman, Don Scott, Wooster With 785 locations statewide for instruction, discovery and community outreach, CFAES is making headway on a comprehensive facilities improvements strategy. The college is working with  Erdy McHenry Archit ...

  5. Top 10 Peace Corps' List: The Ohio State University

    Top 10 Peace Corps' List: The Ohio State University For the fourth year in a row, Ohio State ranks in the top 10 on the Peace Corps’ list of the top volunteer-producing large universities. Currently, 42 Ohio State graduates are making a difference ar ...

  6. Lilburn receives national poultry research award

    USPOULTRY  and the USPOULTRY Foundation have recognized  Mike Lilburn  (pictured, left), professor in CFAES’s  Department of Animal Sciences, as the 2016 recipient of the annual Charles Beard Research Excellence Award. USPOULTRY is the U.S. Poultry & ...

  7. Hendrick heading to Michigan State

    Interim CFAES Dean Ron Hendrick, a Michigan State University alumnus, has been recommended as dean of MSU’s College of Agriculture and Natural Resources. If approved by the MSU Board of Trustees, his appointment will be effective July 1. “I’m excited to w ...

  8. Alumni News

      Happening now: Fallfest registration and nominations for alumni awards! ...

  9. Employers on Campus (EOC)

    Employers on Campus is a new opportunity where employers will hold office hours and students, faculty and staff can come and interact with them in a casual setting on campus. Students are encouraged to interact with today's employer on campus, Miller ...

  10. Employers on Campus (EOC)

    Employers on Campus is a new opportunity where employers will hold office hours and students, faculty and staff can come and interact with them in a casual setting on campus. Students are encouraged to interact with today's employer on campus, USDA N ...
