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  1. Corn Farmers Thrilled, Soybean Farmers Disheartened by this Year's Yields

    specialist with OSU Extension. Some parts of the state ended up getting really dry in August and September, ...

  2. Phytochemicals Lab hosts Philippine Scientists

    Industry, Energy, and Emerging Technology Research and Development (PCIEERD) and other institutions for an ...

  3. Entomology Inservice

    diseases in the news. Chagas and zika: what you need to know Piermarini Extension ...

  4. Hops Pre-Harvest Field Night Set for July 27

    Extension and the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center. OSU Extension and OARDC are the ... developed a research and education program for hops that focuses on production and marketing. The goal is to ... develop sustainable hop production practices for growing conditions in Ohio, he said. “A lot of people are ...

  5. Pork Producers and Dairy Farmers Watchful of the Trade Conflict

    Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics within CFAES. “So it could easily be ... struggling,” Brown said. The most recent development in the flurry of global tariffs being imposed or ...

  6. Tick Season Has Officially Started in Ohio

    cold we’ve experienced this year and the slower to develop spring weather, you can expect to see a lot ... professional if you develop flu-like symptoms, a rash or anything that is unusual for you. To help Ohioans ... learn more about ticks and how to keep people and pets safe, OSU Extension has developed a webinar and ...

  7. Environmental Science Online Courses Offered

    State’s Office of Distance Education and eLearning (ODEE) helped develop the new series. ODEE has ... collaborated with SENR over the past three years to develop several online courses for Ohio State undergraduate ... expand access Lower said the new courses keep with Ohio State’s tradition of developing innovative ...

  8. Excessive Rain, Flooding, Ponding Damaging Some Ohio Crops

    application of fungicides and pesticides. Wheat harvest moved closer to completion, but quality issues were ...

  9. Education Marketing Program

    offered by specialists from the Direct Agricultural Marketing Program of Ohio State University Extension ...

  10. Education Marketing Program

    offered by specialists from the Direct Agricultural Marketing Program of Ohio State University Extension ...
