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  1. Sales Banquet: Capstone Project Helps Students Prepare for Sales Jobs in Agribusiness

    project involves students selecting a product or service, researching the features, advantages, and ...

  2. Dr. Abdoul Sam, Carnegie African Diaspora Fellow, Delivers Lectures on Decarbonization in Taiwan and Mentors Graduate Students in Nigeria

    econometrics to graduate students and lecturers, mentored doctoral researchers, and agreed to serve as an ... development economics. His research in environmental economics explores the determinants, effects, and ...

  3. How anti-obesity drugs are linked to food waste In study, 1 in 4 users reports an increase in discarding food

    food as their diets change, which could reduce food waste and lower their spending.”   The research was ... taking  terzepatide  (Mounjaro). The researchers surveyed 505 U.S. adults currently on anti-obesity ... the drug through reduction in food spending remains to be seen,” he said. Other research labs have ...

  4. If Cows Make Their Own B-vitamins, Should We Worry About Supplementing Them? – Part II

    each of the B-vitamins (Table 1). Previous research in beef and dairy cattle demonstrate that nearly ... The research on supplementing B-vitamins to dairy cattle is blurry and full of nuance. Some nutrients ... consistently effective while others have not. What Does the Research Say? Cobalamin and Folic Acid In a 2017 ...

  5. Bowling honored with national early-career teaching award

    research, policy, and advocacy organization at their annual meeting. Bowling, who joined CFAES in 2017, was ... graduate courses, including teaching methods in agriscience education and research methods and design, ... dictate their pedagogical decisions,” Bowling said. “Much of my research focuses on youth motivation, ...

  6. Continued Research Digs Deeper into the Development of Agricultural Land

    Columbus, Ohio- A trio of researchers within the Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and ... 3-mile distance: 1,976 and 1,901 acres, respectively. The research reveals that Ohio’s decline in ...

  7. Starter Success for Dairy Calves

    Elizabeth Plunkett, Graduate Research Associate, Department of Animal Sciences, The Ohio State ... weaning program that best suits your goals. 5.  Group housing calves. Extensive research has demonstrated ...

  8. Practical Tips to Improve Calf Welfare in Cold Weather

    and frostbite on extremities. In severe cases, cold stress can be fatal. Here are research-backed and ...

  9. Using Antibiotics on Your Dairy Farm? How to Monitor for Improved Practices

    A recent study published by our research team aimed to describe and quantify on-farm antibiotic use in ...

  10. December Ohio Organic Farmer Researcher Network Meeting

    directions for the future. Connection Details Farmers, educators, researchers, and other interested ... organic production research. If you have questions or ideas, please contact one of our group leaders:  ...
