
Search results

  1. Ohio Department of Agriculture Issues Two Research Requests for Proposals: Technology and Environmental Indicators for Phosphorus Loss

    the program is currently investing in research that aims to improve the technology and the associated ... siting methods. These research funds are being offered under two separate RFPs, both of which are open ... RFPs’ respective research objectives are as follows: 1. Technology Development/Improvement Grant: ...

  2. Understanding Agroecosystem Tradeoffs in a Changing Climate Webinar

    question. The research studied farmer attitudes, future weather outcomes, and various agricultural ... Natural Resources, and the Byrd Polar Climate and Research Center. Weather ...

  3. Battle for the Belt: Season 2, Episode 28- Corn Harvest Considerations

    weather conditions for each planting date at the Western Agricultural Research Station, Northwest ... Agricultural Research Station, and Wooster Campus, with the day of planting, soil, air temperature averages, ...

  4. Precipitation, Cooler Weather, and Corn Dry Down

    Research in Ohio Past research in Ohio evaluating drydown provides insights on effects of weather ...

  5. Ohio State continues to assist farmers as drought and rain create unprecedented challenges for soybean crops

    remains committed to supporting the agricultural community through research, resources, and on-the-ground ... 740-474-7534 Faculty and Staff OARDC News Tips and Events Research Media Advisory Business and Economics Tracy ...

  6. USDA to Host SLF Research and Technology Development Meeting – Oct. 16-17

    The USDA is organizing a Spotted Lanternfly (SLF) Research and Technology Development meeting on ... current SLF research, review current areas of research and define high-risk, high-return projects, and ... provide an opportunity to engage in discussion and information sharing with other SLF researchers and ...

  7. Lucente Named Acting Assistant Director, Community Development

    research in community and economic development, as well as strategic planning. He collaborates with various ... a combination of research, outreach, and education. Joe’s partnerships span academia, government, and the ...

  8. OSP Office Hours

    The Office of Sponsored Programs and the CFAES Office for Research and Graduate Education provide ... CFAES Office for Research and Graduate Education with the Zoom link.   ...

  9. Annual Stinner Summit – Nov. 15

    healthy Appalachian agroecosystems. Each year, the Stinner Summit gathers farmers, researchers, educators, ...

  10. Ohio State announces four new projects funded by the AgTech Innovation Hub

    Environmental Sciences (CFAES) has announced the funding of four new innovative research projects as part of the ... Gary Pierzynski, CFAES associate dean of research and graduate education. "Yet again, CFAES ... researchers knocked it out of the park in this second call for proposals," Pierzynski said. "The Hub ...
