
Search results

  1. CFAES Multispecies Animal Learning Center (MALC)

    Set to open in 2025, the MALC expands the visibility of research and educational activities to ...

  2. Cultural Connections: Spain

    Carla Román  is a visiting scholar from Spain conducting her research advised by Dr. Erdal Ozkan ... collaborating closely with Dr. Hongyoung Jeon and Dr. Heping Zhu of the USDA’s Application Technology Research ... reduction. Currently, the main focus of her research is the variable rate application of pesticides through ...

  3. October Organic Farmer Researcher Network Meeting

    Research Workshops. We will use our monthly online time in October to follow up on some of the research ... others who might be interested. Farmers, educators, researchers, and other interested individuals are ... production research. If you have questions or ideas, please contact one of our group leaders:  Johnnie ...

  4. Our Faculty and Staff in the News

    management, and research.He gives leadership to the A DAY in the WOODS program, an outreach effort for ... Logan will provide overall leadership for a comprehensive outreach, applied research, and teaching ... with specialty crops, both from a farming and research perspective.  “He will collaborate with peers, ...

  5. The Compost Quality Spectrum- Presentation and Tour

    learn about Scotts’ research capabilities and efforts. Speakers and panel discussion @ 9:00 am | Tour ...

  6. 2023 Stinner Summit: Building More Resilient and Equitable Food Systems In Metropolitan Regions

    Each year the Stinner Summit gathers farmers, researchers, educators, policy leaders, and ...

  7. Stan and Sharon Joehlin

    after completing her undergraduate work at Auburn University. Gauci is planning her graduate research ... time an associate professor of research, extension, and training at FABE. “We had a great meeting, and ... retain a professor accomplished in teaching, research, and public service to FABE. “The reality is FABE ...

  8. CFAES- Apple U-Pick- September 15th

    CFAES- Wooster faculty, staff and students are invited to a U-pick at the research apple orchard ... not permitted (except service animals). This is a research farm so pickers will be required to use ...

  9. October 2023 CFAES Connect

    MALC expands the visibility of research and educational activities to support the advancement of animal ...

  10. Organic Farmer Researcher Network-- SARE Grant Programs: Tips and Insights to Pitching a Proposal

    North Central SARE (Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education) offers several grant programs ... through research and education. Active calls include a Research and Education Grant, Partnership Grant, ...
