
Search results

  1. November Organic Farmer Researcher Network Meeting: Extending the Season, Extending the Green

    paperwork. But his past includes graduate research on season extension in high tunnel systems. Johnnie’s ... research at Ohio State examined the use of soil heating cables and different coverings to impact the crop ... micro-environment in a high tunnel vegetable system. Join us on November 2 at noon to hear Johnnie share research ...

  2. Previous Winners

    Hill). Historically, Dr. Jaykus’ research efforts have focused on:  (1) food virology; (2) development of ... undergraduate and graduate students in food microbiology; leading food safety research projects; and working ... oversees all research MS and PhD programs across Cornell University as well as program assessment of ...

  3. IDEA Committee

    research-informed and strategic individual actionable skills for effective communication in moments when –isms and ...

  4. Herbert Quintero Fonseca

    Herbert will be responsible for developing an Extension and research program for the Ohio aquaculture ... industry. In this capacity, he also will provide support to research and Extension faculty, staff, students, ... research positions at the University of the Virgin Islands, University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, ...

  5. October Organic Farmer Researcher Network Meeting

    Research Workshops. We will use our monthly online time in October to follow up on some of the research ... others who might be interested. Farmers, educators, researchers, and other interested individuals are ... production research. If you have questions or ideas, please contact one of our group leaders:  Johnnie ...

  6. Food Science and Technology Awarded Good-to-Great Grant

    department’s industry partnerships, classroom capabilities and research operations by developing the Food ... and outreach, education and research programs by adding one faculty and two staff positions and ... foster interdisciplinary connections and expand protein research across the university by serving as ...

  7. The Compost Quality Spectrum- Presentation and Tour

    learn about Scotts’ research capabilities and efforts. Speakers and panel discussion @ 9:00 am | Tour ...

  8. 2023 Stinner Summit: Building More Resilient and Equitable Food Systems In Metropolitan Regions

    Each year the Stinner Summit gathers farmers, researchers, educators, policy leaders, and ...

  9. FST Facilities Page

    square foot, $17 million facility features research and teaching laboratories in a unique interactive ... connection to research laboratories and the Food Industries Center in Howlett Hall. Department Facilities ... breath, and biomedical research. Carl E. Haas Food Material Science and Engineering Laboratory The ...

  10. Yogurt may be the next go-to garlic breath remedy

    responsible for garlic’s pungent scent from escaping into the air.  Researchers tested the garlic deodorizing ... student in her lab, decided to check it out.  For each treatment experiment, the researchers placed equal ... the raw cloves, the researchers theorized.  The findings are a good foundation for future studies ...
