
Search results

  1. Food Business Management

    Market Researcher Marketing Director Plant Manager Process Operations Manager Product Development ...

  2. Animal Sciences

    Career Options Animal Biosciences  Biomedical Research Technologist Geneticist Laboratory Researcher ...

  3. Arboretum North

    a walk and picnicking. The gardens include a diverse willow collection, a 3.5-acre research lake with ... holding site, Chadwick Arboretum was able to create a beautiful green reserve for research and enjoyment.  ... Collection (B) Donald Mayhew Memorial Grove (C) 3.5-acre Research Lake (D) Jones Memorial Grove (E) Prairie ...

  4. School of Environment and Natural Resources

    Research Fund.  Provides competitive grants for student research at the Olentangy River Wetland Research ... qualify as a junior or senior, and have a 3.0 GPA or better. Undergraduate Honors Research Scholarship.  ... Scholarships for SENR honors students completing an honors project for Graduation with Honors Research ...

  5. Dr. Jessica Pempek, PhD

    Dr. Jessica Pempek, PhD Research Animal Scientist USDA-ARS Livestock Behavior Research Unit Animal ... Welfare Dr. Jess Pempek joined the USDA-ARS Livestock Behavior Research Unit as a Research Animal ... she earned her MSc and PhD degrees. Dr. Pempek continued in Postdoctoral (2 years) and Research ...

  6. Animal Sciences

    a scholarship for sophomores studying animal science with intended careers in research, education, farming, ... division. William Tyznik Equine Research Fund.  Income supports a scholarship for an equine nutrition ... Research Fund or for poultry scholarships or fellowship funds.     ...

  7. CHAIRE Member Dr. Jess Pempek Leads Project to Improve Dairy Beef Calf Welfare

    Earlier this month, the final round of data collection was completed for a research project led by ...     Data collection for this project was a team effort, as Dr. Pempek, Zach England (Research Associate, ...

  8. CFAES Student Employment Fair

    Attendants Research Assistants Interns Part-Time Help Any other CFAES student jobs   No resumes needed. Come ...

  9. Honors

    interests them most. With the support of faculty, honors students conduct research and share their ... research proposal. The amount varies based on the quality of the research proposal. Honors ... the honors thesis and exam will graduate with honors research distinction in their major area of ...

  10. Thania N. Ortiz Santiago

    Santiago made the most of research opportunities. As a member of the Food S.U.R.E. program, she worked ... closely with faculty to develop and implement a research proposal. Having transferred from the University ... to research while taking a full course load. As she became more involved in the Food S.U.R.E. ...
