
Search results

  1. CFAES Multispecies Animal Learning Center (MALC)

    Set to open in 2025, the MALC expands the visibility of research and educational activities to ...

  2. Sustainable Agriculture

    private organizations. Possible Career Options Farmer/Farm Manager Policy Developer Agricultural Research ... learning, research, and collaborative projects. This space was created by students with the help of faculty ...

  3. Our Faculty and Staff in the News

    management, and research.He gives leadership to the A DAY in the WOODS program, an outreach effort for ... Logan will provide overall leadership for a comprehensive outreach, applied research, and teaching ... with specialty crops, both from a farming and research perspective.  “He will collaborate with peers, ...

  4. Funding Opportunities

    Research costs money. But, there are many sources out there willing to help bright, young minds ... Research Experiences  Applicants must commit to full-time research over a 10 week period during summer and ... participate in the CFAES and University Denman undergraduate research forums spring semester. Research ...

  5. Living-Learning Communities FAQ

    your personal and academic success in mind.  Research indicates that students who are a part of ...

  6. Stan and Sharon Joehlin

    after completing her undergraduate work at Auburn University. Gauci is planning her graduate research ... time an associate professor of research, extension, and training at FABE. “We had a great meeting, and ... retain a professor accomplished in teaching, research, and public service to FABE. “The reality is FABE ...

  7. College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences Living-Learning Community (CFAES)

    Interact with world-renowned faculty and alumni on research and outreach opportunities. Be involved in ...

  8. October 2023 CFAES Connect

    MALC expands the visibility of research and educational activities to support the advancement of animal ...


    Research Support Staff Association (TERSSA) is currently comprised of support staff in several states ... extension or research organization in any state is eligible to become a member of this growing association. ... providing one voice to improve the development of extension and research across the nation through ...

  10. Student Jobs

    Union Other Positions (On and Off Campus) Research Positions (Contact your home department to inquire ... about student research opportunities within your interest areas.) University Housing ...
