
Search results

  1. Pay Attention to Dairy Cow Stocking Density

    overstocking? Research that has been done looking at stalls per cow shows that it is not necessary to have ... research that looked at the time to lie down following milking.  Ideally, after milking the cow should ...

  2. Tri-State Dairy Nutrition Conference: Another Successful Year

    participating (3 each from Ohio State, Purdue, and Michigan State universities). The graduate student research ...

  3. Calf Behavior and Bedding Materials

    calves spend a lot of their day lying down.  Research from the University of Guelph indicates that calves ...

  4. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins, and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    Mr. Alex Tebbe, Graduate Research Associate, Department of Animal Sciences, The Ohio State ...

  5. Delay Placing Fly Control Ear Tags

    products and other products that provide control of fly larvae in the manure. Research has indicated that ... research indicate that sustainable horn fly control may be best attained by an integrated approach that ...

  6. Milking Frequency in Early Lactation: The jury is still out

    frequencies. Recently, research done predominantly by Dr. Geoffrey Dahl at the University of Illinois has shown ... the rest of the year. Recent research presented at the joint annual meeting in St. Louis should reduce ...

  7. Managing Dairy Cows During Heat Stress

    humidity.    Researchers at the University of Arizona have found that cows with high milk production may be ... on any given day is 65 or greater.”  Their research showed that when the minimum THI was between 65 ...

  8. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    Alex Tebbe, Graduate Research Associate, Department of Animal Sciences, The Ohio State University ...

  9. Seeking the Stink Bug's Natural Enemies

    leading the research into the species of stink bugs that prey on soybeans: the green, the brown, the red ... the Ohio Soybean Council and the North Central Soybean Research Program to determine what species of ...

  10. Pay Attention to Dairy Cow Stocking Density

    Is there an acceptable level of overstocking? Research that has been done on stalls per cow reveals ... about research conducted on the time to lie down following milking. Ideally after milking, the cow ...
