
Search results

  1. EHS Assist Training- Research Safety (Non-Radioactive Material)

    In this one hour instructor-lead training you will learn how to navigate and use the new EHS Assist database for maintaining your chemical inventory and responding to inspection results.  Bring your own device- laptop or tablet. Register via BuckeyeLearn. ...

  2. EHS Assist Training- Radiation and Research Safety

    In this 1.5 hour instructor-lead training you will learn now to navigate and use the new EHS Assist database for maintaining your radioactive and chemical inventories and responding to inspection results.  Bring your own device- laptop or tablet. Register ...

  3. Yellow Perch Spawning Resources

    Fertilization Presentation Yellow Perch Research Presentation The Status of the Yellow Perch Industry 2013 ...

  4. Aquaculture Boot Camp-2 recruits 2018 students for free

    main facility is located at the OSU South Centers Aquaculture Research Center in Piketon, Ohio, and ...

  5. OSUE Annual Conference

    and broaden their knowledge of the scholarship of Extension work and university research. Build ... relationships between Extension professionals and university faculty to foster expanded applied research ... cutting-edge research. Recognition of outstanding work of Extension colleagues and the contribution of ...

  6. Ohio Land Exchange Workshop

    The Ohio Land Exchange is an action-research project that seeks to test the feasibility of a new ...

  7. Vegetable Crops Field Night

    Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC). ...

  8. Wildlife and Fisheries Links

    threatened species/habitats; climate change mitigation; funding for wildlife-oriented research; assistance to ... migratory birds, provides funding for national and international conservation-oriented research; manages ... is to conduct research and monitoring on freshwater, terrestrial, and marine ecosystems and the fish ...

  9. Aquaculture Nuts & Bolts

    video presented by Laura Tiu, Ph.D., Aquaculture Specialist at the Ohio Center for Aquaculture Research ...

  10. Webinars

    Western Center for Metropolitan Extension and Research- Presentation on OSU Extension in the City ...
