
Search results

  1. Sustainability and Resilience Links

    operators, and 2) destinations) Earthwatch Institute (engage people worldwide in scientific field research ... and education for understanding/action necessary for sustainable environment;  Research   Education ...

  2. Agunga awarded grant to improve agricultural extension in Pakistan

    The grant is for an international development research project titled, "Improving Agricultural ... research-based learning, practice and engagement, in ways that will advance positive changes that strengthen ... individuals, families and communities. For more information on the academic programs and research available in ...

  3. Introduction to the new PI Portal

    The OSU Office of Research staff will provide an overview of the new, redesigned PI Portal, ... information. Scheduled Sessions: Wednesday, October 4, 2017: 1-2 p.m. in Room 117 of the Research ...

  4. Introduction to the new PI Portal

    The OSU Office of Research staff will provide an overview of the new, redesigned PI Portal, ... information. Scheduled Sessions: Wednesday, October 4, 2017: 1-2 p.m. in Room 117 of the Research ...

  5. West Campus Science & Technology Festival

    Polar & Climate Research Center, Center for Applied Plant Sciences, Center for Automotive Research ... In addition to displays and hands-on activities highlighting research at Ohio State, there will be ... tours of the Arabidopsis Biological Resource Center and Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center. ...

  6. Research Navigation Symposium- OSU South Centers

    Office of Research, and CFAES Finance will be at OSU South Centers presenting on various topics and ...

  7. 1st Annual Student Wildlife Research Symposium

    The 1st Annual Ohio Student Wildlife Research Symposium is a place to learn more about the ... wildlife-related research that is taking place in high schools around Ohio in a professional and supportive ... research projects out there and we want to promote them. We hope to see you there! Thursday, April 6, 2017- ...

  8. A Department Administrator's Introduction to Office of Sponsored Programs Electronic Systems

    research administration systems, with a strong emphasis on completing and approving PA005 forms. The ...

  9. Research News (November 2017)

    The November 2017 edition of Research News, the GDSU monthly newsletter for grant writing tips, ...

  10. Research News (April 2017)

    Research News is a monthly electronic newsletter for faculty and other members of the FAES ... research community that summarizes upcoming funding opportunities, provides updates, FAES grant awards, and ...
