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Management of Dry Cows to Promote Udder Health
until that time, total DCT is recommended. *A complete list of research references is available on ...
Using Nutrient Cost to Benchmark Your Nutrition Costs
Requirements of Dairy Cattle from the National Research Council (2001), this can be easily done with reasonable ...
Testing Milk for rbST
a minimum of either 2 or 4 variants of bST (and there are actually more variants based on research conducted ...
Corn Silage Harvest is Imminent
Research has demonstrated that the position of the kernel milk-line is not a reliable indicator for ...
Western Ohio Cropland Values and Cash Rents 2012-13
research on Ohio farmland values and cash rents that can assist producers and landowners with purchase and ... rental decisions. Existing research includes: Western Ohio Cropland Values and Cash Rents 2011-12 at: ...
Mental Accounts, Selective Attention, and the Mutability of Altruism: An Experiment with Online Workers
Seminar Series. His presentation focused on his recent research: "Mental Accounts, Selective ...
Time Is Money: An Empirical Examination of the Dynamic Effects of Regulatory Uncertainty on Residential Subdivision Development
Douglas Wrenn, Postdoctoral Researcher in the Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and ...
issues of structure, economic impact, animal waste, research, and leadership. Have you ever heard of the ...
Health Benefits, Risks, and Regulations of Raw and Pasteurized Milks
Scientific research has shown that the detrimental effects of pasteurization on the nutritional and ...
Forage Planting Decisions: Corn Silage or Alfalfa?
diets with a single forage are generally less profitable than diets with two sources of forage. Research ...