
Search results

  1. Profit Per Cow is a Loser

    330-264-8722. CFAES provides research and related educational programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory ...

  2. Provide Water to Baby Calves

    calf starter.  Offering water increases starter intake and weight gain.  In a research study that ...

  3. Tools for Consistent Calf Nutrition and Health

    Agriculture & Natural Resources Educator and may be reached at 330-264-8722. CFAES provides research and ...

  4. Stockpiling Pasture for Late Season Grazing

    regrow and accumulate forage until the end of the growing season.  Stockpiling research and on-farm trial ... of the forage being stockpiled.  Research results from a southeastern Ohio location showed that ... economical to apply nitrogen.  Stockpiling research results indicate that in predominantly grass stands, ...

  5. Saving Money During Government Shutdown

    and may be reached at 330-264-8722. CFAES provides research and related educational programs to ...

  6. Tips and Events for the Week of Oct. 29

    focuses her research on two areas: the evolution of the human diet; and, yes, bugs you can nosh on. She’s ... Balancing Call-in Conversation,  a panel of researchers, farmers and consultants will discuss the past, ...

  7. Manure Application: N Value and Timing

    Management has been conducting research to evaluate the timing of side dressed manure to corn using a drag ... hose system.   In 2014, at the OARDC Hoytville Research Station, a six inch diameter drag hose was ...

  8. Mindfulness In The New Year

    does that sound? Research at the National Institute for Health found a link between mindfulness ... depression. Dr. Maryanna Klatt from OSU Medical Center has been working on this research for several years. ...

  9. Solar Energy Workshop

    7 presentations on various aspects of solar energy presented by OARDC researchers, OSU Extension specialists, USDA ...

  10. Setting Goals for 2019

    330-264-8722. CFAES provides research and related educational programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory ...
