
Search results

  1. Small Grains Field Day

    systems. Presenters include OARDC researchers, personnel from the Agriculture Research Service Wheat ...

  2. Faculty Mentor Spotlight: Timothy Volk

    are outside their specific field of study and academic research. If you could pass on any wisdom to ...

  3. Resignation of Andy Spring as OSU Dairy Farm Manger After 27 Years

    Farm Manager at the OSU Waterman farm in Columbus, accepted a Research Assistant position with the OSU ...

  4. 2014 Dairy Enterprise Budget

    available at: In addition to myself, ...

  5. Manure Application to Alfalfa

    provides a brief synopsis of those issues, taken from the North Central Regional Research Report 346, ... agronomic performance and reduced environmental risk. Research studies have shown that pre-plant manure ... suffocation, and increased weed pressure. Some research results showed reduced alfalfa yields with topdressed ...

  6. Animal Health

    Livestock Behavior Research Unit, USDA-Purdue University Livestock Handling Guide Livestock Trucking Guide ...

  7. Soybean Researchers Publish Paper

    Researchers in Andy Michel's lab have published a paper in PLOS ONE on genes associate with ...

  8. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    Mr. Alex Tebbe, Graduate Research Associate, Department of Animal Sciences, The Ohio State ...

  9. Variation in Milk Urea Nitrogen in Ohio Dairy Herds

    Marisa R. Joldrichsen, Undergraduate Research Assistant, and Maurice L. Eastridge, Professor and ... %*1.0123)-(SCS*0.1462).  Most of the results were similar to research conducted previously. According to Moore and Varga ... in that most of the research suggests that MUN concentrations are highest during the spring months ...

  10. Molly Dieterich awarded grant

    Organic Research! Her proposal is titled: "Identification of Arthropod Predators of Cucumber Beetles ...
