
Search results

  1. Ammonia Emissions from Dairy Farms- The Basics

    are overfed CP. At the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC), we have accumulated ...

  2. European Dairy Industry Study Abroad

    of nitrogen, and like in the US, research is being conducted at reducing methane production by cows ...

  3. Baughman recognized as Distinguished Alumni at CFAES Alumni Awards

    Agricultural Research and Development Center; and to Ohio State University Extension through their ...

  4. Farm Science Review: 'Breaking new ground'... while flying above it

    agricultural research, resources, information, and access for farmers, said Chuck Gamble, who manages the ...

  5. 2008 Recipients of the Dairy Science Hall of Service Awards

    started a research/Extension program on foot health and lameness. He was one of the first in the U.S. to ... actively participated in conducting some of the first research demonstrating the benefits on hoof health of ...

  6. What are the best ways to burn (or not) a forest?

    U.S. Forest Service’s Northern Research Station. The Lake States Fire Science Consortium, a knowledge ...

  7. Cost of Nutrients in Feedstuffs

    2003 We used the nutrient composition table from the National Research Council (2001) for 24 feedstuffs ...

  8. Giving mosquitoes 'kidney' failure could help fight spread of malaria

    of people annually. Piermarini's research  is funded by a $1.4 million grant  from the ...

  9. New testing method could make phosphorus monitoring cheaper, faster

    involved, to get the students exposed to doing real environmental research," Spiese said. ...

  10. OSU Extension introduces 3 new signature programs, graduates 2

    OSU Extension engages people to strengthen their lives and communities through research ...
