
Search results

  1. Agencies and Organizations

    and National Organizations North Central Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) North ...

  2. Is the Aquaculture Boot Camp (ABC)Program Over?

    By: Estefania James, MS, Program Assistant   The Ohio Center for Aquaculture Research and ... Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II grant. This grant will definitely improve the great efforts the Bells ...

  3. Can Making High Tunnels Increase Farm Profits?

    season. A farmer considering high tunnel production should first do some preliminary research and receive ... and 28, 2015, at the Piketon Research and Extension Center in Piketon, Ohio.  Individual trainings ...

  4. 'The Science of Chocolate' and more: 4-H Science Saturdays start soon

    with university students, faculty, and researchers from across campus as they learn. Previous 4-H ...

  5. Teacher at Sea: Stone Lab's Greene to sail with NOAA

    ahead of time with research about the species with which I will be working, the North Atlantic right ...

  6. 'Our future depends on cultural intelligence'

    Respect" facilitated by Tarunjit Butalia, research scientist in the College of Engineering. "Diversity Initiatives ...

  7. Brewing, buying biogas: OARDC campus at Wooster now runs on 30 percent green energy

     a Cleveland-based company that in 2010 built its flagship anaerobic digester in OARDC’s BioHio Research Park. ...

  8. Environmental Education and Communication Links

    professionals and others; shares research and ideas; ~15 public EELinked focus networks) US EPA environmental ...

  9. 'We are continuing to look for best management practices' to improve water quality

    are effective in reducing the problem, according to a 2013 survey conducted by Ohio State researchers ...

  10. OARDC Holds Groundbreaking for New FABE Building

    funds. "This is a remarkable opportunity for a new start. The research capacity we have here ...
