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  1. 99 years of science and learning on Ohio’s Gibraltar

    a powerful combination of science education and research. Stone Lab and Ohio Sea Grant island staff will show ... of other water quality testing on the lake. A tour of the South Bass Island Research Facility, ... including tour of the wetlab, flex lab, and mesocosm unit for conducting HABs, fish, and wildlife research ...

  2. Graduate

    across the U.S. and around the world Our faculty has diverse research interests. Much of the research ... Individual and collaborative research programs are further synergized by a breadth of experience and ... ability to perform research, to apply critical and creative thinking and an ethical framework to address ...

  3. Pierluigi (Enrico) Bonello

    Food Research International 95: 59-67. Klutsch, JG, Najar A, Sherwood P, Bonello P, Erbilgin N (2017). ... morel fruiting. Mycological Research 111: 339-346. Luchi N, Capretti P, Bonello P (2007) Production of ... research on woody plant health with a tax-deductible charitable donation?  > Give to Ohio State   View ...

  4. Horacio Lopez-Nicora

    transcriptional co-regulation as a predictor of prostate cancer recurrence. Nucleic Acids Research 44:9, ... Professor and Deputy Director of Research, Innovation and Extension), Universidad San Carlos, Paraguay. ... 2018-2021 Adjunct Professor, Universidad de Caldas, Colombia. 2018-2021 Postdoctoral Researcher, Department ...

  5. Bruce A. McPheron, PhD

    of Entomological Research 96: 505-521. Schwarz, D., Matta, B. M., Shakir-Botteri, N. L., & ... entomology, arthropod taxonomy and evolution, molecular methods, and international agriculture.  His research ... (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Africa using PCR and RFLP analyses. Bulletin of Entomological Research 96: ...

  6. Jason C. Slot

    Professional Experience 2008-2013 Postdoctoral Researcher, Dept. of Biol. Sci., Vanderbilt University ... Framingham, MA Research Fungi are critical players in functioning terrestrial ecosystems, from forests to ... of our research questions are: How do fungi acquire new metabolic capabilities? How do fungi adapt to ...

  7. Saroj Khatiwada

    Saroj Khatiwada Graduate Research Associate Saroj is a PhD student working in ...

  8. Christopher G. Taylor

    Postdoctoral Researcher, Monsanto Company, 1995-1996 Graduate Student, North Carolina State University, ...

  9. Raksha Suresh

    Raksha Suresh Graduate Research Associate ...

  10. Beat the Heat Before It's Late: Cooling Strategies for Dairy Cattle

    waiting areas near the milking parlor. Research I have conducted in the past showed that a 45-minute ... is a misconception that calves are more resilient than other life stages; however, researchers have ... heat. Dry cows are indeed more resilient than lactating ones; however, research has shown that combining ...
