
Search results

  1. Neonatal Calf Management Workshop: A Cool Experience for the Serious Calf Raiser

    Neonatal Calf Management Workshop will be held near Wooster on the campus of the Ohio Agricultural Research ...

  2. From Weaning to Freshening, Dairy Heifer Care and Management Workshop: Fun for the Serious Heifer Raiser

    held near Wooster on the campus of the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center. A detailed ...

  3. 14 billion ways honey bees let you eat

    programs with Ohio beekeeper groups, and starting a statewide network of 28 research and demonstration ...

  4. This was the polar express: ‘Worst grape damage on record in Ohio’

    possible. Dami leads OARDC’s wine grape research. To contact the scientist: Imed Dami at ...

  5. Two OARDC scientists contribute to National Climate Assessment

    Change Research Program, the report concludes that: The world’s climate is indeed changing. Climate ...

  6. Study: Spreading gypsum on farms can help keep water clean, not green

    Dick’s research is taking place on farms in the Maumee River watershed, Lake Erie’s largest tributary, ...

  7. Celebrating Your Impact

    CFAES scholarship, research and community outreach. Although these gifts occurred during our most recent ... day-long meeting of our 4-H Specialists with the Extension Education and Research Area (EERA) 4-H Program ...

  8. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    Mr. Alex Tebbe, Graduate Research Associate, Department of Animal Sciences, The Ohio State ...

  9. Thanks for Attending Farm Science Review 2015

    the Farm Science Field to Faucet Water/Nutrient Research Tours were available to attendees, featuring ...

  10. Hendrick Takes Over as Acting Vice President and Dean

    the associate dean for research and graduate education will start after Steve Slack, director of ...
