
Search results

  1. Summer Grafting Workshop

    upcoming workshop on the topic. The arboretum, part of the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development ...

  2. Strawberries, Robots and Taste Tests Featured at Berry Field Night

    College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences. Since 1999, Bergefurd has researched strawberry ...

  3. Strawberries, Robots and Taste Tests Featured at Berry Field Night

    University’s College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences. Since 1999, Bergefurd has researched strawberry ...

  4. Chow Line: The scoop on fresh, homegrown tomatoes

    of the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences and its outreach and research arms, ... Ohio State University Extension and the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center. Send ...

  5. Demonstration Plots Can Offer Farmers Insight

    research findings about what works and what doesn’t for various hurdles farmers face. This year’s growing ...

  6. Hops

    OSU Extension Hops Team Learn more about the Hops research being conducted and its impacts on ...

  7. News: Chow Line: Test dairy, nutrition IQ with MyPlate Quizzes

    Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences and its outreach and research arms, Ohio State University Extension and ... the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center. Send questions to Chow Line, c/o Martha ...

  8. Field Corn Planting Depth

    compared with the deeper depth (2.5 inches). Research at Kansas State University (Roozeboom, 2012) that ...

  9. Getting Started in Hops Production Workshop is Feb. 4

    Wooster, Ohio, on the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC) campus. The workshop will ... University Extension, OARDC and OSU South Centers. OSU Extension and OARDC are the outreach and research ... for new growers in Ohio to learn research-based production guidelines for business planning, site ...

  10. Demand for Goat Meat on the Rise in Ohio: Conference Offers Training on Meat Goat Production

    Planning Resources. Researchers and educators with OSU Extension and the Ohio Agricultural Research and ... outreach and research arms, respectively, of the college. A  similar small farm conference  is being held ...
