
Search results

  1. Agriculture and Water Quality Issues- OSU Research and Agency Initiatives Guide Farmers Solutions

    concentrate. OSU researchers and agency staff, with partners, are very focused on improving tools and guidance ... Research Scientist Kirk Hines, PE, Chief, Division of Soil and Water Conservation, ODA Attend this EPN ...

  2. 4-H roots lead to Big Apple ag venture

    was perfect for their chickens. “We also did some research and learned that hens were 100% legal in ... researched an ancient Native American method of preservation with corn meal to preserve the chicken heads, ...

  3. Toward sustainable and resilient water resources—EPA takes a systems approach to mitigate nutrient impairment in New England’s Narragansett Bay watershed

    years of research and consulting experience for multi-national companies, government agencies and ... into the agency’s research and development work.  A native of Montreal, Fiksel began his career at ...

  4. 1990's

    than 100 clubs. The former manager of the Eastern Ohio Research and Development Center in Noble County ...

  5. Tapping into Social Media, Green Investing and Other Tools to Fund Your Environmental Project or Enterprise

    Panelists Dan Sharpe, Community Researcher and Grants Management Officer,  The Columbus Foundation ...

  6. 4-H Cloverbot Challenge

    selected each year and teams  research a topic, build a working model of their solution to the Challenge ...

  7. The Lake Erie Impairment Designation

    solutions coordinator for Mercer County, Ohio George Bullerjahn, PhD (Sandusky Bay)- professor of Research ...

  8. National Ecological Observatory Network's Airborne Observatory Platform makes stop in Columbus

    Join us for a unique opportunity to tour a research aircraft used to collect high-resolution ... off this complex research aircraft. Light refreshments will be served. RSVP to Katy Delaney at ... or 614-424-7208 Friday, August 2, 2019- 2:00pm Learn About a Flying Ecological Research Lab OSU ...

  9. Theresa Ferrari, Ph.D.

    interpreting, and synthesizing research in topics related to positive youth development. Serves as the Resource ...

  10. STEAM in Lima

    Brundige Youth Development Fund for Positive Youth Development Research. Click here to read the full ...
