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Forage Fertility: Where We Are and Why it Matters
determining the type and kind of related research to conduct in order to revise current recommendations. ... of a research effort conducted by The Ohio State University and should take 10 minutes or less to ... addition to forage fertility research, will allow for revision of current recommendations for forage crops, ...
Willpower: Some Help with New Year’s Resolutions
based on their research, Matthew Gailliot and his co-authors (2007) conclude that willpower requires ...
Fair. Further research of human-companion animal interactions is necessary to expand the positive ... compacity. Further research can provide knowledge and understanding of the positive benefits to humans from ...
The Limits to Growth, Revisited
(director, Sustainability Services, KPMG) updated the study’s original research models using decades of observations and ... Herrington (director, advisory, Sustainability Services, KPMG US) provides an overview of her research re-examining the Limits ... author working at KPMG as a sustainability researcher & consultant. She holds a Bachelor in ...
Think Differently: A Path Toward Tranquility
research, psychoanalyst Albert Ellis (1997, 2016) reminds us that people and events do not upset us. Rather, ...
CHAIRE Presents: Family-Animal Interaction Day
create even more opportunities for research, education, and outreach for our CHAIRE community. We hope to ... of enhancing the relationships between humans and animals through research, education, and ...
New CHAIRE Program Coordinator Announcement
at OSU. Madeline’s master’s research focused on evaluating the effect of transport and relocation on ... research, education, and outreach. Congratulations Madeline! ...
Hannah Maggard
of research focuses on dairy cattle specifically. When I'm not on campus, you can find me ...
CHAIRE Presents: Family-Animal Interaction Day
and create even more opportunities for research, education, and outreach for our CHAIRE community. ...
Zach England Accepts Research Associate Position
Former CHAIRE graduate student Zach England recently accepted a Research Associate position ... Ohio State University. His role is to assist Dr. Pempek in conducting research which is currently ...