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  1. Advancing The Understanding Of The Renewable Fuels Standard

    effectively convey policy information and research findings to young audiences. The powerpoint presentation ...

  2. About OBIC Bioproducts Innovation Center

    its network of research institutes, companies and funding and policy agencies to provide progressive ... bioproducts research studies. With OBIC Express, clients can rapidly receive research results and data by ... employing OBICs team of experienced researchers and engineers.  The Bioproducts Network provides a means to ...

  3. State Government Relations

    Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center Advisory Committee are key partners in this work for ... the college. These two organizations share the common goal of advocating and promoting research and ...

  4. CRC-CABLE Bioeconomy Workshop

    the general public are invited to interact with a panel of experts in research, education, ...

  5. Focus on Flavor

    These are the types of questions being tackled by the Flavor Research and Education Center, newly ... Environmental Sciences. The center focuses on research geared to find commercially viable ways of making ... membership fee. The funds support graduate students to conduct research that benefits the entire industry. ...

  6. News: 25 and Counting: South Centers Marks Anniversary with Sept. 15 Open House

    a center with university scientists conducting world-class agricultural research, and area entrepreneurs ... Piketon Research and Extension Center, the facility was designed to help Ohio State expand its land-grant ... crops. The center is home to research trials on small fruits such as blueberries, raspberries, ...

  7. CFAES Announces New Director of Government Affairs

    cutting-edge research, teaching excellence and innovative outreach programs.” As government affairs director, ... on the biennial state appropriations that support the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development ... Center and Ohio State University Extension, which are CFAES’s research and outreach arms. He also will ...

  8. Ohio State Experts to Speak at Sustainable Agriculture Conference

    from the college’s research and outreach arms — which are the Ohio Agricultural Research and ... and Farming Education and Research program. The college is one of the conference’s many sponsors. The ... farmers, backyard gardeners, consumers, retailers, educators, researchers and others who share a desire to ...

  9. Sustainability In Personal Care

    purchasing a product labelled as either of these. We suggest doing your research on companies and the ...

  10. On The Road With The Sustainable World Tour

    visited the university’s research farm as well as Sanborn Field. Sanborn Field is a plot of land in the ...
