
Search results

  1. White-Nose Syndrome: A Deadly Disease of Bats

    of particular interest to bat researchers. Other species will partake in somewhat shorter spring and ... imbalance.  Current research on WNS is centered on all aspects of the disease, including the mechanism in ... $121,000–$1.7 million, compared to the $6 million value of the annual cotton crop. Recently, research ...

  2. Use of Forage Chicory in a Small Ruminant Parasite Control Program

    Extension, Veterinary Medicine Joyce G. Foster, PhD, Research Biochemist, USDA, Agricultural Research ... Service, Appalachian Farming Systems Research Center, Beaver, WV Internal parasites can limit profitability ... development of these strategies. Some research, conducted principally outside the United States, has indicated ...

  3. Nurturant Grandfathering: Investment Work

    Research indicates, even after accounting for the amount of contact, there is a moderately strong tie ... his grandchild’s personal development. Benefits to Grandfathers Research on grandfathers who ... fulfilling his role in the family. Research shows that grandfathers who engaged in investment work also ...

  4. Estimate Ammonia (NH3) Emissions from Manure-Belt Layer Houses: An Effective Modeling Tool

    State Extension Specialist Shunli Wang, Former Graduate Research Associate Harold Keener, Professor ... facilities using ammonia gas analyzers and fan operation sensors (Ni and Heber, 2001). However, this research ... This fact sheet introduces an effective tool developed by the Ohio Agricultural Research and ...

  5. Corn Yield Response to Damage from Strong Storms

    Research was conducted on Ohio-targeted stand reductions of 17, 33, and 50% at 7-leaf (V5), 10-leaf (V8), ... resulted in an overall grain yield reduction of 30%. This research helps illustrate that yield loss can ... While defoliation was not imposed at the same time the stand reduction research was conducted, trials ...

  6. Gender Issues: Preparing Children for a Lifetime of Success

    social science research say? Are women and men different or are they more alike than was commonly ... some research that was conducted in the mid-1970s but remains highly influential today. A Stanford ... research studies, Bem found that some individuals report themselves to have characteristics that are mainly ...

  7. Nurturant Grandfathering: Family Identity Work

    values, and beliefs. Research indicates, even after accounting for the amount of contact, that there is ... Benefits to Grandfathers Research on grandfathers who participate in family identity work has found that ... member, he experiences greater satisfaction knowing that he is fulfilling his role in the family. Research ...

  8. Strategies for Coping with Parasite Larvae on Pastures in the Springtime in Ohio

    Extension Educator, Ohio State University Extension, Morrow County Joyce G. Foster, PhD, Research ... Biochemist, USDA, Agricultural Research Service, Appalachian Farming Systems Research Center Contrary to what ... surprisingly well through our cold winters on typical pastures here in Ohio. On-farm research conducted in the ...

  9. Sudden Death Syndrome of Soybean

    often found in the most compacted areas, such as field edges and lanes. For clay soils, research has ... North Central Soybean Research Program: Ag ...

  10. Helping Adolescents Cope with Grief

    etc. Do No Harm Researchers have learned that the bereaved are offended and hurt by some support ... attachment. Qualitative Health Research, 2 (2), 159–177. Hogan, N. ... sibling bereavement. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 16 (2), 132–153. ...
