
Search results

  1. Scheer named interim chair for ACEL

    provided research and support for OSU Extension (4-H Youth Development) in the areas of Preadolescent ... Education and the 4-H Cloverbud Program. Dr. Scheer’s research focus is in the areas of outreach education ...

  2. Using ArcGIS StoryMaps in Your Research and Teaching

    Urban Food and Agriculture ...

  3. Engaged Ohioans, Vibrant Communities

    educational series are aired by 34 radio stations in 12 states. OSU Extension shared research-based resources ...

  4. Wilson named Ohio State Presidential Fellow

    potential of graduate students entering the final phase of their dissertation research or terminal degree ...

  5. Coppler completes internship with National FFA Foundation

    communication skills, Coppler also conducted research and data analysis to strategize ways to engage prospective ...

  6. Researchers Aim to Create Thriving Agricultural Systems in Urbanizing Landscapes

    Urban Food and Agriculture ...

  7. ACEL faculty, students and alumni represent Ohio State well at annual symposium

    ’17 PhD, The Ohio State University Research Papers “Where there’s smoke, there’s fire: Examining ... and Dr. Annie Specht ’08, ’10 MS, alum and faculty, The Ohio State University 1st Place Research ... Sebastian Galindo-Gonzalez, Hannah Carter, & Kevin Folta, University of Florida  2nd Place Research ...

  8. Ohio State Research Boosts Smart Columbus

    Urban Food and Agriculture ...

  9. Addressing Power Inequity in Research to Create Change

    Urban Food and Agriculture ...

  10. Walls completes internship with Monsanto

    Kayla Walls, of Mendon, recently completed an internship with Monsanto as a production research ... assistant in Farmer City, Illinois. During her internship with Monsanto, Walls provided research support for ... Monsanto Production Research by collecting data on DEKALB corn trial plots. Some of this data included ...
