
Search results

  1. Benjamin D. Enger, PhD

    Physiology Dr. Enger is an Associate Professor in the Department of Animal Sciences with an 80% research, 20% ... of Idaho and then completed a MS degree at Washington State University where his research focused on ... his research explored the relationship between mastitis and mammary gland growth and development. Dr. ...

  2. Faculty Expertise

    food processing, research and extension. Industry-related research projects on new technologies, product ... Qualitative research methods, ServSafe. Joint appointment  with Ohio State University Extension. V.M. (Bala) ... Flavor Research and Education Center Mary Kay Pohlschneider, Assistant Professor of ...

  3. Kichoon Lee

    M, Lee K. 2021. Research Note: Adipogenic differentiation of embryonic fibroblasts of chicken, ... expression of G0S2 and ATGL in sheep. Small Ruminant Research 153:1-4. 76. Mamuad LL, Kim SH, Choi YJ, ... 5 Human Genes. Transgenic Research 26(1):153-163. 71. Biswas AA, Mamuad LL, Kim SH, Choi YJ, Avedoza CG, ...

  4. Undergraduate Honors and Research Distinction Mixer

    Are you interested in research or graduate school? If so, attend the CFAES Undergraduate Honors ... and Research Distinction Mixer on Friday, Janurary 19th! Breakfast will be provided. Find more ...

  5. Marilia Chiavegato

    departments. My research interests center on manipulation of crop-livestock management strategies to achieve ...

  6. CDCB Internship Program

    learning and using research techniques to analyze dairy cattle genetics and management data. It is a paid ... reasons for applying (include any research experience or computer software skills you have) Applications ...

  7. Alvaro Garcia Guerra

    bulls. Canadian Journal of Veterinary Research, 80:23-26. R.J. Mapletoft, A. García Guerra, F.C.F. Dias, ... Campylobacter fetus subsp venerealis in preputial samples from bulls. American Journal of Veterinary Research ... without transport medium. American Journal of Veterinary Research, 74: 1066-1069. A. Garcia Guerra, S. ...

  8. Land O'Lakes Calf Milk Research

    The Calf Milk Research unit at Land O'Lakes just opened a position for an assistant manager! ...

  9. FST Special Edition Newsletter – 2023 Autumn Semester Graduation

    Science and Technology] Celeste Miller- Some of my favorite memories are: working in the research lab with ... part of a patent, and presenting research; going to football games; and attending college events. ... compelling research, partnering with the Know Food Waste club, and experiencing scientific conferences while ...

  10. December 2023 Department Highlights

    a USDA NIFA research project. The Food Industries Center trained FDA, NOAA, U.S. Army, and state ...
