
Search results

  1. From Deer to Bats to Cats, Conference to Focus on Managing Wildlife Conflicts

    research  to hurt songbird and other wildlife populations, and are at risk themselves from dangers like ...

  2. Ohio Climbing Up in Wine Production

    University. Assisting the state’s winemakers and grape growers are Steiner and other researchers in the ...

  3. Samira Wehmann

    is currently assisting Aswathy with her research in enzyme catalyzed polymer modifications and ...

  4. Related Links

    American Sustainable Rubber IMR: Institute for Materials Research HCS: Horticulture and Crop Science OSU ...

  5. Migrant Farm Laborers Harder and Harder to Get

    Agricultural Research Station in the county. Several fields or partial fields in Sandusky County went ...

  6. International Elastomer Conference Keynote Speaker

    State University. Her research is focusing on the integration of breast ca ncer diagnosis and treatment ...

  7. PENRA "The Program of Excellence in Natural Rubber Alternatives"

    introduction and scale-up of natural rubber alternatives. Current research focuses on improvement of germplasm, ... apparent, a pioneering program was established; capitalizing on cutting-edge research with other scientists ...

  8. Creating Sustainable, Designer Domestic Rubber

    this research proposal is to determine if genetic modifications made to guayule that resulted in ... CFAES OSU, New Researcher Incentive Program, Internal Grants Program PI: Helfer, Carin A.; Co-I: ...

  9. Undergraduate Research

    If you are a student interested in research in human-animal interactions, visit our members list ... Program, we offer a variety of research projects that meet the criteria for a STEP Signature Project in the ... category of Undergraduate Research. Students who have not participated in STEP are also welcome to inquire ...

  10. Nicole Lorig Passes PhD Candidacy Exam

    her primary PhD research study. Nicole's PhD work will provide valuable information to ...
