
Search results

  1. Fall 2022 Write Ins

    What to bring: A laptop and your research for writing!  Columbus Time: 9am-12pm, Thursdays Dates: 9/8, ... Research Services) How to sign up: Email Gwen Short at Read more:  ...

  2. Welcome Martyna Sokolowska!

    in Szczecin, located in Poland. Her research interest is focused on sustainable development, ...

  3. SWBR researchers present for International Association for Great Lakes Research

    By Arif Rahman SWBR Scientist The Soil, Water, and Bioenergy Research program team organized ... Lakes Research.  The session focused on lake-specific research such as the management of algal blooms, ... and promoted education and research interactions among researchers and stakeholders. The main focal ...

  4. Kazak scholar visiting South Centers

    was assigned the “National Research University” category in 2014 that resulted in collaboration with ... Kazakhstan government. His academic teaching and research interest is focused on land reclamation and ... his strong desire to participate at The Ohio State University Annual Research Conference, field days, ...

  5. The Importance of Internships

    roles: polyurethane R and D Research Scientist, Customer Experience Project Manager working directly with ... degree from Xavier University of Louisiana, where his research focused on synthesizing novel organic ...

  6. The Bees are Back in Town

    pollination by honey bees is required again at our research facility.  Research Assistants Paul O’Bryant and ...

  7. SWBR receives research funding

    and ammonium. This study will provide researchers with baseline and real-time data to understand the ... research will focus on the development of a holistic photocatalytic approach for controlling ... faculty, staff, and students with research expertise to develop an economically viable and environmentally ...

  8. After all these years...Bergefurd still pursuing new opportunities

    auctions, research and development of the plasticulture strawberry industry in Ohio and the Midwest, and the ... crops, production methods, and markets that Bergefurd and his team have researched and proved to work in ... Vegetable Research Station in Fremont as a teen, attended classes at the university as a Horticulture ...

  9. Stress & Disease

    fish health research is adopting science-based research and practices that reduce and minimize stress, ... Research interests and focuses:  Relationship of stress and fish disease.  Stress response to various ...

  10. Back to School Bash 2022

    socialize, eat, and enjoy the band A tent for graduate students and their research advisors to meet and ...
