
Search results

  1. Dr. Guilherme Signorini

    Dr. Guilherme Signorini Assistant Professor- Value Chain Management 50% Extension | 25% Research ... specialty crops. Ag-food value chain management. Dr. Guil Signorini conducts research and extension outreach ... a Research Scientist in the HCS department, exerting effort to establish a multi-disciplinary research and ...

  2. Cloudy waters causes African fish to develop bigger eyes


  3. Leslie Taylor

    Leslie Taylor Research Associate Williams Hall MS Botany- North Carolina State ... University My first 13 years at OSU were in the Plant Pathology Department as researcher and lab manager. ... I am currently the Research Coordinator for HCS and conduct research for Dr. Michelle Jones. When did ...

  4. New online database a "FRST" in fertilizer knowledge sharing

    Ohio-based soil data. The new web-based tool includes historical and current research data, including 2,500 ... will provide research-based phosphorus or potassium rate response information to assist farmers in ... Conservation Service, including the Conservation Innovation Grants; the USDA’s Agricultural Research Service; ...

  5. Ohio Sustainable Farm Tours and Events 2024

    government, and research-oriented professionals to share and gain knowledge on how to build coalitions to ... on-farm research partners on a project focused on economic and environmental tradeoffs of crop and ... both farmer and researcher perspectives. Possible side tour to a manure composting facility. Sponsored ...

  6. Colin Barclay

    Colin Barclay Research Associate Western ARS BS in Sustainable Plant Systems ... Agricultural Research Station Operations team in 2022. Today, I work under Dr. Alyssa Essman and Tony Dobbels ...

  7. Spring planting delays may cause some farmers to make adjustments to improve yields

    Lindsey 614-292-9080 Extension Faculty and Staff OARDC News Tips and Events Research ...

  8. Haab named director of Ohio State’s School of Environment and Natural Resources

    dedication to advancing science-based solutions and research-driven policies to promote a sustainable future ... environmental and natural resource leaders, pioneering research for understanding complex human-natural systems, ...

  9. Kitchel reappointed as CFAES senior associate dean

    University of Missouri. Kitchel’s research focuses on the conditions of agricultural teachers’ entry into the ...

  10. Jhonatas Reis

    Agronomy- Sao Paulo State University (2012) I am a Visiting Researcher since May 1st, working on the ...
