
Search results

  1. Whither the WTO?

    Applied Economics Seminar Series. His presentation will focus on his recent research: "Whither the ...

  2. Climate Risk and Migration in Coastal Bangladesh


  3. Swank Program Piece in The Conversation: How Should the U.S. Government Help Coal Communities?

    not to workers or their communities. Second, our research has shown that dependence on coal adversely ... research on the gains from retraining programs for laid-off workers has been inconclusive. One issue is ...

  4. 2015-2016 Agricultural Policy and Outlook Series

    Auditorium at the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, 1680 Madison Ave. in Wooster. RSVP: ...

  5. Presentations and Videos

    States: Subnational Disparities in Economic Well-being and Their Significance for Research and Policy by ...

  6. AEDE Faculty and Graduate Students Participate in 2011 NARSC conference in Miami

    Development” by Douglas Wrenn and Elena Irwin.   Post-doctoral researcher, Michael Betz presented “Why do ...

  7. FRESH: The New Frontier for Ag safety and Health Resources

    research based information to the general public. Register by going to ...

  8. Mental Accounts, Selective Attention, and the Mutability of Altruism: An Experiment with Online Workers

    Seminar Series. His presentation focused on his recent research: "Mental Accounts, Selective ...

  9. Time Is Money: An Empirical Examination of the Dynamic Effects of Regulatory Uncertainty on Residential Subdivision Development

    Douglas Wrenn, Postdoctoral Researcher in the Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and ...

  10. Report Shows How to Say Goodbye to Harmful Algal Blooms

    quality,” he said. The researchers chose the Maumee watershed because it has the most impact on the Western ...
