
Search results

  1. Make a Withdrawal from your Soil Weed Seed Bank: Stale Seedbed Technique

    harvest. Research indicates that 3-4 years of using this approach will result in a field with relatively ...

  2. Insect Night, a free family event

    kids of all ages and their families at the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC), ...

  3. Register Soon for Greenhouse Hydroponics Workshop

    water without soil. The event is Feb. 8-9 at the  Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center ... greenhouse crops. A grower talk by Glen and Lois Smucker of Orrville’s  Glen Smucker Farms. Research updates ... campus’s greenhouse and research facilities. Top U.S. researchers CFAES’s hydroponic research capacity is ...

  4. Front Page Welcome Section

    non-biased, research-based information to stakeholders to help protect crops, natural resources, structures, ... and human and animal health.  We invite you to explore, learn, study and research with us! ...

  5. Sami Khanal

    Dr. Khanal's research is focused on developing decision support systems to encourage stakeholders ...

  6. Career Development

    Change ReSearch- DISCCRS (there is a participant listserve spanning several years) International ...

  7. Hydroponics Research Planning

    Room 100 (Wooster) Tuesday, November 5, 2019- 1:00pm to 3:00pm ...

  8. CSM Picnic

    can specify a time. Thanks, Ryan Tietje Research Associate Engineer College of Food, Agricultural, and ...

  9. Spotted Wing Drosophila Research Webinar


  10. Meet Holly Huellemeier: Food Connoisseur & Engineer

    future is to eventually conduct engineering research and development for large scope companies.  Just ...
