
Search results

  1. Dairy Teat Health and Management During the Winter

    researchers have shown that wind chill has an impact that is more important than actual ambient temperature. ...

  2. Lambing School

    and Sheep Research Manager and shepherd of the OARDC flock, will be teaching the school.   Dr. Shaver ...

  3. De-Stress for the Holidays

    Sciences Program Assistant and may be reached at 330-264-8722. CFAES provides research and related ...

  4. Chow Line: Leafy Greens Suspected in Latest E. coli Food Poisoning Cases

    College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences and its outreach and research arms, OSU ... Extension and the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center. Send questions to Chow Line, c/o Tracy ...

  5. Fall Management Practices for Wheat

    research from the past four years has not shown a yield response to supplemental sulfur on medium to ...

  6. Fair Demos and Canning Tomatoes

    Shumaker is sharing Homemade Cleaning Supplies 12:30     Deb Kitko will be talking about researching family ...

  7. HCS Spring 2016 Seminar Series: Developing winter-hardy malting barley for Ohio

    barley a key breeding target for researchers. In Ohio winter barley of very high malting quality can be ... genetic components that are greatly influenced by the environment. As the Stockinger research program is ... winter-hardy malting quality barley is a natural extension of the research program. In this seminar I will ...

  8. HCS Spring 2016 Seminar Series: Developing winter-hardy malting barley for Ohio

    barley a key breeding target for researchers. In Ohio winter barley of very high malting quality can be ... genetic components that are greatly influenced by the environment. As the Stockinger research program is ... winter-hardy malting quality barley is a natural extension of the research program. In this seminar I will ...

  9. Summer Activities

    great resource for the summer reading program and building skills for life in reading and research.  Why ...

  10. Resources for Teachers

    site has a great Anaerobic Digestion 101 summary and links to Universities doing research in anaerobic ... Bioenergy Research Center This website offers a great deal of educational material developed by teachers ... associated with the Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center with input from scientists. Lesson plans, lab ...
