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General Livestock
Plans HERE Contact Information 4-H Livestock Curriculum, Research, and Quality Assurance Elizabeth ...
Small Business
through direct consulting, training, research, and technical assistance in all areas of business ...
South Centers highlights ag careers for students
Centers on October 6 to learn about agricultural research that is conducted at the campus, experience ... funding provided by the North Central Region Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (NCR SARE) ...
Fish Farming Resources
decision. We recommend thoroughly researching your idea, assessing available resources and defining your ... for Aquaculture Research and Development (OCARD) is located at the OSU South Centers in Piketon, Ohio. ... OCARD takes a multi-faceted approach, using both research and outreach, to aid in the development of ...
Services We Offer
research, and resources to the agricultural community ...
OHCEAC Tours the HORTECA Research Center
toured the HORTECA Research Center located in Kingsville, Ontario, Canada. The two-acre research center ... is a collaboration between Jem Farms and Ecoation that allows researchers to simulate ... commercial growing conditions for further research and development of agriculture technologies and practices. ...
4-H Professionals Honored
received the Susan Barkman Award for Research and Evaluation and Bruce Zimmer received a Communicator Award ...
Video Camping Curriculum
Competencies (more details about these and the research to develop these can be found here). If you have any ...
decades of rigorous scientific research and cutting-edge matching algorithms to uniquely identify the ...
Ohio Teens Attend National 4-H Conference
research and present on issues relevant to their future to USDA partners in Washington, D.C.” Mela Lin, 4-H ...